Comprehensive consulting for investment advisors, broker-dealers and private funds.


3 to 9 month assignments in C-Level roles. We can take on key executive roles on an interim basis and help you deal with immediate strategic issues as well as productive response to longer term problems. While a firm may experience an immediate, urgent demand to fill a vacancy, hiring too quickly can be a serious mistake. Yet in many cases, particularly in a regulatory environment, the need to plug holes may trump longer-term strategic considerations. In this situation, many companies can benefit from an interim period. During this time, a qualified Precedent consultant takes on the executive role on a temporary basis. The day-to-day fires are handled, but the unique perspective and skills inherent in Precedent’s approach also permit the company to benefit from a structured opportunity to step back, assess where the company is, what the company lost when the former executive left, and what may be the most important areas to focus on going forward.

Needs Analysis and Search Assistance.

Assess what your firm needs in a permanent executive. What’s worked historically? What hasn’t worked so well? What patterns has your company established that may inadvertently interfere with efforts to get the right people in the right roles? This is a complex analysis and benefits significantly from outside perspective and disciplined processes around data-gathering and careful evaluation of the data with the people responsible for getting things done.


After a key executive leaves, the remaining leadership team may be struggling with overwork, lack of direction, and communication problems or unresolved conflicts that could get worse in a leadership vacuum. Precedent can help the team identify the differences between how it wants to work together and how it actually functions, and then provide concrete skill building and coaching to help each member of the team contribute more effectively to the group’s overall success.